Sunday, 22 June 2008

В жизни, не всё так просто.


Friday was so not my best idea. Just really not, no no no no bad. I'm currently hiding from the world. My bed is the best place for me right now. Phone switched off, ignoring facebook. Friday night really made me realise the true appeal of a sad life all by my lonesome. I'm not sure if I am quite ready to admit (to myself, never mind others) what happened.

Actually, I am being far too melodramatic about this. It wasn't so bad. (Or if it is, i'm not quite ready to face it yet.)

But let's just say it involved extreme stupidity on my part. And I wasn't even drunk. Crap.

The one thing that gives me hope: NOVAK IS IN LONDON.

(Yes, I will use any excuse to go Novak photo-searching on google :D)

1 comment:

LeArmoire said...

Novak is in London.

Is Edward Cullen?

Don't cheat on Edward. :)